Friday, February 1, 2008


January's meeting was great. Thanks Trish and Amy for hosting and reviewing.

The schedule

January 30 (Wed)
Before the Blood Tribunal
By: Rudi Wobbe
Host: Tricia Baker
Review: Amy Zander

February 27 (Wed)
You Staying Young
By: Dr. Oz & Dr. Roizien
Host: Amy Zander 7245 S 3200 W
Review: Aubrey Booth

March 26 (Wed)
The 13th Tale
By: Diane Setterfield
Host: Aubrey Booth 7553 Spring Drive
Review: Susan Johnson

April 24 (Thurs)
The Memory Keepers Daughter
By: Kim Edwards
Host: Jaime Atkin 3174 W Cable Ct Basement
Review: Linda Loscher

May 29 (Thurs)
The Missing Witness
By: Gordon Campbell
Host: Corinne Gardner 7545 S Autumn Dr
REview: Kathleen Szymanski

June 26 (Thurs)
The Importance of Being Earnest
By: Oscar Wild
Review: Jaime Atkin

July: Summer BBQ w/ spouses
Host: Kathleen Szymanski
Date: TBA

Aug 28 (Thurs)
By: Stephanie Meyer
Review: Aubrey Booth

Sept 25 (Thurs)
The Secret Journal of Brett Colton
By: Key Lynn Mangum

Oct 30 (Thurs)
Mere Christianity
By: C.S. Lewis

Nov. 20
Midnight Whispers
By Carol Warburton

Dec Christmas Party

If you would like to review or host please sign up!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hey everyone,
I thought this might be an easy way to check what book is each month and we can communicate a little better about where book club will be held each month and signing up and what not. So feel free to invite whoever to the site and contribute.